Bridal Shower Cakes

Bridal showers are among the highlights of every girls dreams and as such they should be fun packed and unforgettable. An interesting way of livening up bridal showers is by using bridal shower cakes which can either be edible or just for art like towel bridal shower cakes. Coming up with a suitable cake for a bridal shower should not necessarily be a headache, rather it should be a period of girl bonding and just hanging out. Bridal shower cakes should be designed patiently with the bride in mind if you want her to remember you for a long time.

Designing bridal shower cakes requires you to get as much information as possible regarding the bride. Get to know of her tastes, preferences, likes, hobbies, favorite flavors and anything else that you can gather will surely be an added advantage. Conceptualize the cake and put the design on paper based on the information you collected on the bride. If for example, she likes vanilla flavor and her hobbies include reading romantic books, its not a bad idea to design a cake shaped like layers of books with feminine colors and vanilla is included among the ingredients.

Conversely, you can design bridal shower cakes based on the wedding gown that she will be dressed in on her wedding day. Run the design by the baker you think is best suited for the job at least five days in advance, to facilitate the baking, icing, designing and transport. Make sure that the colors on the cake match or complement the theme of the bridal shower. Once the cake arrives, store it in an even dry place where its not likely to be tampered with and if you plan to surprise the bride, please keep it well stored.

Towel bridal shower cakes are also an attractive way to create a bridal shower center piece and they can be presented as gifts. First ensure that the colors of the towels you are planning to use go with the dcor color of the bridal shower. Then, decide the purpose of the towel bridal shower cakes for they can be given as gifts, they can hold the gifts or be the center pieces. Once that is established, fold two large towels along their length twice and pin the two towels together. Roll the pinned towels placing any gifts between the rolls, and pin them together at the edges and place the edged side facing downwards. Go for two smaller towels and repeat the process to create a second layer and finally use two hand towels to create the top layer. Wrap each layer with ribbons then pin them all together to form a three layered cake. Present it to the bride together with some tissue to wipe away any tears of joy.

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