Clip On Earrings for Adults

I don't usually wear any jewelry on a daily basis except for a watch. I'm not flashy at all, and don't feel the need to find matching accessories for every single outfit. But I do have to admit that there are some formal occasions when jewelry is practically required in order to make an ensemble look good. For instance, if I have to go to a black-tie affair, I wouldn't dream of showing up without a tasteful strand of pearls around my neck and matching studs for my ears. But this presents a problem in itself, as I don't have pierced ears. I don't think people realize just how hard it is to find clip on earrings for adults!

I used to be pierced, doing the deed way back in junior high school. But since I never really wore any jewelry, the holes closed up within a year or two and I haven't bothered to get them pierced again for fear that the same thing will happen. As a result, I'm stuck wearing clip on earrings during those few fancy occasions (weddings, cocktail parties, charity benefits) that come up every once in a while. And despite there being a plethora of clip on earrings for children at every accessory store at the mall, you won't find the same variety for adults.

Fortunately, I've been able to find come good online jewelry stores that carry a wide selection of clip on earrings for adults. These pieces are elegant, classy, and tasteful, and make getting dressed for that all-important event a lot easier. I love how one of the websites I go to has its clip on earrings sorted by categories to make shopping for a specific occasion a breeze. If I have to go to a wedding, I can check out the bridal party jewelry. If I'm going to a benefit of some sort, I can look through more classic, conservative pieces.

I can even buy real gemstones, which I have done quite a few times. It's rare to be able to get genuine diamonds, sapphires, or rubies set in clip on earrings, but you can definitely find these items if you know where to look. Some of my friends think I'm crazy for shelling out that kind of money for clip on earrings, and I can see where they're coming from to a certain extent. But if I'm going to be dressing up, then I want to go all out to look nice.

Granted, there aren't a lot of women these days who don't have their ears pierced, but we do exist! I know from personal experience that it can be very frustrating trying to find clip on earrings for adults that don't look like they were made specifically for Halloween or a gaudy Vaudeville-type act. I'm just so glad I've found a few internet boutiques that offer people like me the opportunity to accessorize with class!

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