Comedy Movies that will Tinkle You Pink

Who does not love to laugh? In these economic times, a good chuckle or guffaw may be hard to come by. Though it may not seem the time or place to be engaging in frivolities, perhaps a side-splitting laugh may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Where can you find one? Well, one easy, available, and quick to find source may be comedy movies. Before you moan and sigh about what the world has come to in terms of entertainment, take a moment to look back on some of the best comedy movies of our time. You might be surprised with the gems (even recent) that appear.

Wedding Crashers- Starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, this is one of the best raunchy comedy movies you can find. The plot follows a pair of friends who have made a career by crashing weddings for entertainment and sex. With Rachel McAdams and Christopher Walken, this hilarious, though sometimes crude, film is sure to please.

The Princess Bride- Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Perhaps one of the most famous lines from this off color fairy tale, it is one of many that will stick out in your mind afterwards. As far as comedy movies go, this is good, clean family fun that borders on silly. With Robin Wright Penn, Billy Crystal, Fred Savage and Andre the Giant, this is certainly worth checking out.

Father of the Bride- Take your pick. This is one of the few comedy movies where the original (starring Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor) as well as the remake (with Steve Martin) are both sure to bring out a giggle or two. The story follows one exasperated father as he prepares to see his little girl walk down the aisle. Sentimental, to be sure, but also hilarious.

The Hangover- A new addition to a long line of comedy movies that appeal to the teenage boy in everyone, this movie follows the crazy events of a group of friends attending a bachelor party in Vegas. Between the tigers, strippers, Mike Tyson and Asian gangsters, it is a no holds barred raunch fest that will have you close to peeing your pants.

Duck Soup- I can hear you now. Ugh, black and white? You've got to be kidding me. Before you dismiss the film based on age alone, you should know that the Groucho brothers functionally invented comedy movies. This is one flick where color won't get in the way of tears rolling down your cheeks. It's worth a look. I promise.

Annie Hall- You can't have a list of excellent comedy movies without giving at least mention to a romantic comedy, and Annie Hall is more than deserving of that honor. Woody Allen's neurotic portrayal is contrasted by Diane Keaton's comforting, down-to-earth quirkiness in what is easily of the best, and most amusing, love stories of all time.

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