Cost hybrid cars out and save money over the long

Cost hybrid cars out and save money over the long haul

A friend of mine and I recently got into a pretty heated discussion about global warming. He's a bit of a conspiracy nut, so he doesn't actually believe global warming exists - or that if it does exist, it isn't necessarily man made. I'm a skeptic, which means by default I'm the opposite of a conspiracy buff. You might think that being a skeptic would also make me skeptical about the reality of man made global warming, but that would not be correct.

See, skeptics don't just automatically gainsay whatever the popular opinion happens to be. That type of arguing isn't acting skeptically; that's being dogmatically obstinate. Instead, what skeptics do is weigh the available information on a given topic, then come to the likeliest conclusion. While always keeping an open mind about being possibly proved wrong.

Anyway, as the argument got more heated - lubricated, as we were, by several drinks - it occurred to me that, from a western point of view, whether or not man made global warming is factual or a concotion of some vast conspiracy of the scientific community is immaterial. What is material is that, if we act like global warming does exist, Americans stand to benefit. With jobs. With money. With self-sufficiency in regard to energy.

You can see this when you cost hybrid cars out over the years. When you do that, you'll notice that the higher cost hybrid cars actually save you money in the long run because of the fuel you save over the years of ownership. When you cost hybrid cars out over the years, you'll see that many of the more popular hybrid cars are actually manufactured here in the United States. That means when you cost hybrid cars out, you have to factor in the American jobs you'll save by purchasing one.

And most importantly when you cost hybrid cars out, you'll be taking American money away from the largely totalitarian regimes of OPEC. Think about it: Which are the most corrupt, threatening, anti-American regimes on earth? You'd have to list Saudi Arabia (they act like they're our friends, but they're the ones producing terrorists from madrassas), Venezuela (Hugo Chavez is as anti-American as they come), Russia, and Nigeria. And as it turns out, those are four of the top five oil-producing countries in the world.

So when you cost hybrid cars out, you also have to take into account the benefit of keeping American dollars out of the hands of people who actively hate America and Americans.

Which means in the end, whether global warming is real or not doesn't matter. What matters is that we get off of oil and onto clear energies that we have the ability to produce here. Keep American money in America.

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