Dating Tips in the Modern Age

Growing up, we grow used to a fairy tale ending. Boy (preferably a prince) meets girl (obviously a princess), they fall in love, and live happily ever after. Blame it on what you like, but that's not how dating goes these days. Whether it's from friends, family, or complete strangers, it seems as though there's an endless supply of dating tips out there. Here are some of the easiest to adopt dating tips that just might help you find that Mr. or Miss Right.

First off, be yourself. I know this sounds cheesy and easier said than done, but it's the cardinal rule of dating tips. Honesty is often considered the cornerstone of any good relationship, but being honest about who you are is the foundation beneath it. A friend of mine recently found herself in a position where she had nothing left to lose. She had an awful job, a ton of debt, and was considering moving home. She wasn't looking to meet anyone, but a guy she ran into on a regular basis asked her out for a drink. Because she had no reason to hide anything, and believing the date wasn't going to result in anything further, she was 100% frank about everything in her life. The result? The guy found her honesty refreshing, an insisted on continuing to see her. Honesty pays.

Searching to no avail? Stop looking. If you're anything like me, this may sound laughable at first, but looking for that special someone often limits our ability to find them. It's one of the hardest dating tips to follow, but it's important. This dating tip does make a lot of sense when you think about it, though. Remember the last time you couldn't find something as you were running out the door, but in the process of your search, you found everything you didn't need? We've all been there, and it's the same thing with love. If you're looking too hard, you may find yourself manufacturing qualities in others and spinning justifications because you WANT to find what you're looking for- not because you actually have. If you stop looking, you're more likely to be surprised, and take notice, when it shows up.

It may seem obvious, but have an open mind. This is one of those dating tips that goes against every romantic comedy you've ever seen, but is realistic. The dating show Tough Love on MTV encounters women all the time that have a checklist of sorts- a list of qualities they're looking for in a man. Even the experts on the show hand out the same dating tip: ditch the list. So what if the guy on your list doesn't make six figures right now? That doesn't mean he won't in the future, and money really is NOT everything. The girl you're talking to isn't the DD fantasy you hand in mind? Too bad, because she could be the one woman who finally GETS your sense of humor. Stop setting strict expectations, and enjoy the moment. You might be surprised where it gets you.

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