Filled out a dating application lately? What? Yes and here's

Filled out a dating application lately? What? Yes and here's how it works ...

If you're familiar with the matchmaking dating sites, you've probably heard of dating applications. It's a funny phrase, when you think about it. Job application? Sure. But you can be sure that if you told Grandma you were filling out a dating application, she'd probably think you were putting her on and would laugh in response. However, times change. As our world becomes yet more modularized and compartmentalized, I guess we should expect to have to fill out an application for a date. Hmmm. It does seem somewhat like new math a lot of trouble for something which should be simple and straightforward.

On the other hand, the matchmaking dating sites claim that the application strategy allows you to really zero in on particular personality characteristics or traits that are important to you in a possible partner, giving you a well-rounded picture of a potential dating partner all in one fell swoop. You don't need to spend weeks or months assessing your date on your own, only to discover that this person is really not your type.

These dating applications are written by professionals, designed to keep the applicant honest. You may be asked basically the same question in three different ways on the single application. Guess they're trying to trip you up, if you're not the completely honest type. On the other hand, if there's some ambiguity about the way the question is phrased, the individual filling out the dating application may give a response which is genuine, but misunderstood.

While many people seem to love how the matchmaking sites seem to be able to cut to the chase, saving them time on the dating circuit and finding the 'perfect' mate, you've got to wonder about that segment of dating applicants who are smart enough to outsmart the dating application process. Which could lead to wondering how safe it is to be shopping around for a date on these sites. The owners of the matchmaking sites claim that their screening process is quite thorough and renders the customer a safe experience. Their many testimonials from satisfied customers seems to back them up.

Naturally, it follows that dissatisfied customers would not be featured on these sites.

Then there's the problem of determining the true identity of the person filling out the dating application. With identity theft rampant, it doesn't seem that it would be so difficult for an unscrupulous person to give false identification information, along with a sterling personality profile, to mislead both the matchmaking site owner and the customer.

In the end, perhaps the results obtained from assessing a possible date via a dating application or through the old fashioned face to face meet may be about the same. Of course, the matchmaking sites can provide thousands of profiles from which you may choose, far more than available to the most sociable of date-seekers. Guess the bottom line is that when filling out a dating application, must be a bit of a Sherlock Holmes to succeed. Maybe that's part of the appeal!

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