Pointers on the successful small business web design

If you own a small business and a web site, you know you're facing a lot of competition. In order to increase traffic to your site and therefore gain more sales, you need to stand out from the crowd. This can be accomplished, even on a shoestring budget. Here we provide several pointers to get your business profitable and thriving, which are applicable to both new and existing small business web sites.

While you're probably aware of the importance of search engine rankings, it's still worth a mention. Be aware that 75% of all searches are conducted through Google. This being the case, you'll want to give particular attention to what increases your rankings for your business web design of course, getting on page one is your ultimate goal. Google provides articles and FAQs to give you guidance, so take a look.

While the big name corporations seem to adhere to the plain Jane, two-color design, as a small business, you're better off with a small business web design that creates visual excitement for your visitors. This doesn't translate to a cluttered, too-busy look. Your logo design should be simple but memorable. Images relevant to the content on each page serve to highlight and enhance the information you're presenting. Your page layout should be consistent, with ad placement, content and other elements in the same general area of every page.

As for content, this is the biggie. You want plenty of it, providing valuable, quality information your visitors can use and won't be likely to find elsewhere. The idea here is to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Another way to use content to bring new traffic to your site is to submit some of your better pieces to reputable directories with a large readership. The directories allow you to include a byline, with a link to your site.

Do your research on keywords! Even with quality content, if you don't use the right keywords, you'll lose in your search engine rankings. Instead of gaining the coveted page one entry, you may end up on page 10! Statistics indicate most searchers don't go beyond page two of the search results. Check out the Wordtracker keyword research tool. Most people swear by the results they obtain with this tool. Finding and using the right keywords for your business niche is one of the most effective elements of your business web design plan, so don't neglect this one.

When you're working out your plan for your business web design, consider adding a free newsletter. (If you don't know how to get a newsletter going, there are plenty of free tutorials and templates to guide you through the process.) Before you publish your newsletter, decide on a schedule you can commit to a bi-weekly newsletter is manageable for most small businesses and keeps your site in your reader's minds.

If you do decide to offer a newsletter, place your offer in a prominent (and same) location on every page. Building an email list is an important element of the successful business web design. In addition to feature articles published in your newsletter, you may want to offer articles to other newsletters for businesses outside of your niche, but in a related field, further increasing your exposure to the world.

When you have some spare time, work on a downloadable ebook or special report, which, when completed, you offer at no cost to interested visitors.

When launching or revamping your web site, a resource page of links to information is a must. This is also a good place to include affiliate links to quality products, which gives you some commission income as well.

As time permits, there are even more ways to enhance and expand your business web design. Think about adding a blog, message board or forum for your visitors.

If you implement all of these elements, you'll soon reap the benefits. Watch your traffic and income grow!

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