I spend quite a bit on vegetables. My family and I prefer to do all of our grocery shopping at a fancy organic/gourmet type grocery store. You know the kind. They charge an arm and a leg, but they provide all the freshest organic foods. We prefer them to be free of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. It's much healthier for your body and mind. Now, having said that, I also ponder how much cash I could save if I simply started my own vegetable garden, DUH! I can't believe I just thought of doing this a couple months ago. My mother had a wonderful vegetable garden when I was growing up and we children loved it. I wonder why it took me so long to get into the swing of things. Anyway, imagine the things you can plant in your own back yard. Anything from carrots, to tomatoes, to green beans, to peppers, to radishes, to peas, to potatoes can be grown. That would save quite a bit of cash, considering how much organic vegetables cost in the first place.
Are you now considering a vegetable garden? Hey, there's no shame in this. My wife and I plan to start one this next spring. I can't wait to see how many vegetables we can get in it. Mmm, I can just taste those fresh tomatoes and radishes right now. A vegetable garden is the BOMB!
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