We live in a society that refuses to grow old.

We live in a society that refuses to grow old. So many people are absolutely obsessed with slowing, halting or reversing the aging process. There are many products and procedures that seem to feed this obsession. Celebrities are having surgical procedures done to keep from looking old and then they go on the talk show circuit promoting the procedure. At times to me they seem like they are out recruiting. We are bombarded with ideas, exercises and products to keep us from looking old.

My sister has always spent a little too much time on her appearance. She is obsessed about her weight and exercises constantly. She has worn glasses since she was ten years old. She is able to correct her vision with contact lenses, but now she is involved with a program for vision improvement. This is a course that she saw offered on television and she bought it. The vision improvement program is supposed to halt the aging of your eyes through a series of visual exercises that are done daily. This seemed a bit outlandish to me so I decided to ask my eye doctor about the vision improvement program at my next appointment.

When I had my appointment I mentioned to the doctor that my sister had purchased this vision improvement program. He said that he has heard of such programs. They are designed to help children improve their long range vision. He explained that childrens eyes are able to make adjustments and can be trained to improve their ability to see things at a distance. He did not think that my sister would have much success in vision improvement given her age and also the fact that she has worn corrective lenses for so many years.

We talked about how the information commercials that are on late at night prey on peoples emotions. This is when you see many ads for attorneys that specialize in getting settlements. In addition to products there are also many drug companies that advertise at this time, as well as get rich quick schemes for home based business opportunities. The doctor said that my sister will not hurt her vision by taking part in the program, but she most likely would not get her moneys worth either.

I did not tell my sister that I had checked this out with my doctor. I think she will find out for herself soon enough, when she does not have a change in her vision. I hope she does not continue to seek anti-aging remedies on late night television. I wish she would just read a book when she cannot sleep.

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