White Water Rafting

Adventure activities have become very popular for individuals and corporate leisure. White water rafting cannot fail to give an adrenaline rush. It normally involves between four and twelve people in an inflatable boat flying over the wild river rapids. Most boats are up to twenty foot long and equipped with paddles.

It can be a dangerous sport and there have been a number of tragic accidents. Some of these have been due to recklessness e.g., operating a raft whilst under the influence of alcohol. Other incidents are the result of inexperienced people unable to cope and sometimes, it has simply been a matter of bad luck. The danger must be kept in perspective. After all, it's still safer than crossing the road but it's very important for novices to take up white water rafting with a qualified instructor and a reputable company. The sport has worked hard over the years to raise the standard of equipment and minimize injury. The actual regulations covering the use of rivers differ in different areas. Hazards to be aware of include fallen trees, rocks beneath the surface, high waterfalls and dams.

Certain locations have benefited hugely from tourism, generated by white water rafting. Companies also like to send their employees on team building exercises over the rapids. Whether they bond with their colleagues or not, they'll certainly get a thrill. There is an awareness of the environmental impact of so many people using the river and some authorities restrict the times when rafting is allowed. The sport has become a favorite activity for pre-wedding outings for the groom and buddies. It has also been introduced to some programs for children's' summer camps.

There are certain rivers across the world that is considered to be near perfect for white water rafting. The sport is growing in popularity in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and is well established in America, Canada and Europe. Popular spots include the Zambezi River in Africa, the Shotover River in New Zealand and the Tara River in Montenegro. Many tourists take the opportunity of rafting in the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

The sport didn't suffer from the 1994 film, The River Wild, starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon. Perhaps it even gained a few more fans! The story centers around Streep's character, who is a river guide taking her family on a rafting trip. Unfortunately, they meet armed robbers and there are some exciting scenes on the river when a storm brews up. The movie was filmed on rivers in Oregon and Montana.

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