You have to admit, it's hilarious how our beauty trends

You have to admit, it's hilarious how our beauty trends shift. What was hot back in the 80s is doubtfully in-style now. Even the 90s are too far gone to refer back to for tips. This is the new millennium, and that means fresh trends and new possibilities. Some of these you will like and some you may despise. Either way, they probably won't be here for long. Well, most of them anyway. There are indeed a few exceptions to the rules. Remember back in the day when a hair chest was cool? This was in the 70s and 80s, right? Or maybe it was as far back as anyone can recall. Well, it certainly ended in the 90s. Ever since then it's been all about smooth skin and wax hair remover galore. Are you a manly man?

Ah, the chest fuzz! This was actually a rugged, masculine feature at one point. In fact, girls used to go gaga over guys who sported serious chest hair. It's meant that they were no longer little boys. And let's all admit it; no woman wants a little boy. They crave a manly man. One that looks brawn and pays the bills at the same time. Okay, well many of them do anyway. Now, the whole wax hair remover issue has to be difficult for some guys to get used to. Maybe they don't want this method of chest hair removal at all. Hey, it's not a problem. Just because it's one of the more contemporary methods, doesn't mean it's the only game in town. As you men should already know, there is always the classic blade. This can eliminate the chest fuzz in seconds flat. Just be sure to watch the nipples. OUCH! Furthermore, the most recent craze deals with laser hair removal. This is a professional procedure that must be done in a clinic or spa of some sort. The up-side to it is that the removal is permanent, whereas wax hair remover and shaving are not.

Now, we should be clear on something; wax hair remover does have a drawback. It can lead to ingrown hairs. EWWW, no one wants these! That's why it's important to do it correctly. You may even want to test it on a small portion of your body to see how it goes. Most modern males tend to prefer wax hair remover over shaving simply because it last for a few weeks at a time.

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