A lot of people do things to help charity. It

A lot of people do things to help charity. It is almost necessary in this current world. You see, there is so much going wrong at any given time that is pretty heartbreaking for a lot of us. We give money to environmental charities, human rights organizations, antiwar groups, and many other worthy causes. Yet sometimes, money alone doesn't help. The biggest example of this is the blood bank. The American Red Cross has money. What it doesn't have is enough blood supplies. By making a plasma donation, you can really make a difference.

A plasma donation is different than a normal blood donation. Blood banks often run low on plain old blood, particularly with some of the more rare types. Therefore, normal blood donations really can do a lot of work. Plasma donations, however, are more difficult. The process is more involved, and as such people are less likely to do it. Basically, they slowly drain some of the blood plasma from your veins. This can take hour upon hour, and is quite uncomfortable. This is why many plasma donations are paid. There is an old clich about drug users going in to give blood. There is some truth to this. Many people give plasma donations because they have no other option.

Unfortunately, many of these folks are at risk for having various blood-borne diseases. That is why, if you are a person in good health, you can do so much good by giving a plasma donation. Donating plasma may be an inconvenience, but it is not particularly difficult. The pain is not extreme, And it isn't like it takes all night and all day. Donating an egg, an organ, or bone marrow is much more painful and much more difficult. Compared to people who do this to help out an ailing relative or a stranger, plasma donation is nothing.

It is pretty easy to find local donor banks. It depends a lot on where you live. In some areas, the Red Cross is more active than in others. When I went to high school, they recruited plasma donors right from among the senior class. If you are 18 years or older, after all, you're considered eligible to give a plasma donation. In some areas, however, you have to go out of your way to find a blood bank. No matter where you live, there's probably one within 30 miles. You should at least consider giving, either in money or in precious blood plasma.

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