Many people go after their higher education with one simple goal in mind. They want the job! This is what college is all about. So many individuals tackle that four-year education in order to attain a great career afterwards. It's very simple math; college = good salary. I know this because it's what I heard from my peers all through college. They wanted a good career to provide for a good lifestyle. Then there were the select few who shot for the masters programs on top of their BA or BS. I admired these people. There was no way I was interested in grunting my way through masters programs after the first four years of homework, mid-terms and finals. It sounded dismal at best. Then again, that higher level of achievement is definitely well respected in the corporate world. The ones who choose the masters programs tend to go into management. So maybe imagining yourself as the boss with a better salary will drive you toward that master's degree.
It's typically another two years. So if you're young and planning out that college education, why not go for the masters programs right of the bat. Instead of finishing at age 22, you'll probably be done by age 24. The MBA is certainly worth your time and effort. Imagine how far ahead of the competition it places you.
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