Okay, you are probably not so likely to encounter a vicious bear in your lifetime, but it goes without saying that you'd want to be prepared if you did. Your very existence could certainly depend on it. Anyway, let's step back into the more common urbanized jungle. The one you are familiar with. You trudge the streets and sidewalks of this habitat on a daily basis. And although you're not likely to encounter a grizzly, you just might find yourself face-to-face with an assailant of some sort. Maybe he's after your money and jewelry, or maybe he's after your life. Either way, you need to be prepared for anything. This is why the bear spray, otherwise known as potent pepper spray, comes in quite useful. If an attacker leaps out, you can hose his visage with this powerful incapacitator. Bear spray is a wonderful equalizer.
Hey, if it will deter and/or take down a massive grizzly bear, then you'd better believe bear spray will put a man on his butt quickly. The trick in such circumstances is not hesitating. Have your pepper spray accessible and don't be afraid to use it. After all, this is an individual who means you harm, and possibly even death. The bear spray isn't going to kill him. It's just going to stop him from attacking you, and allow you to flee with haste. Find all sorts of Mace and pepper spray products online at any time. It's your right to be safe!
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