Community service ideas that bring comfort to others

Although we've all got our problems in life, it's good to get out and give a little time to helping others. Community service groups give you an opportunity to forget your own difficulties for a while and gain a new perspective on how fortunate you are. Here are some community service ideas that work for all ages. When you contribute to the betterment of those in your community, you're rewarded with a wonderful sense of satisfaction.

Did you know that almost 25% of Americans are considered to be functionally illiterate? Check with your Chamber of Commerce to see if there are any reading programs and how you might contribute. Teaching people to read is a very rewarding community service idea. The person you help to learn to read will be changed forever, for the good.

With all the cutbacks in government funded programs, many organizations must now rely on volunteers to perform simple, but meaningful tasks. Nursing homes and hospitals are always looking for volunteers to bring magazines to patients or just spend a little time visiting. Older people are especially appreciative. They can become quite lonely. You can brighten up their day!

When you're looking for community service ideas, look for those which match up with your interests and skills. If you have a great concern for the homeless, find a homeless shelter or kitchen that can use your services. Once you begin to volunteer, those people will start to depend on seeing your cheerful face. Be sure you'll stick with your commitment.

If you see a need and no program in place, approach your Chamber of Commerce or church to sponsor your community service idea. For example, there are many older folks who don't have their own transportation, can't afford a cab service and find it difficult to get to doctor's appointments or to the grocery. You can help.

Your community service ideas can be as simple as delivering meals to your shut-in neighbor, or mowing the lawn every week for the lady with arthritis. Let's face it, there are people in need all around us every day.

Check into the Big Brothers and Sisters programs. There are chapters everywhere. Mentoring a child is an excellent way to give back to your community.

If you have the time to give on a regular basis, give community service ideas a shot. Even if you commit to only a few months of service to others, you'll make a difference in the lives of people who need your help. Community service is good for your soul!

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