Energy Resources

If you have put gas in your vehicle in the last month, you are very well aware of how much it costs. I used to be able to get half a tank for twenty dollars, but that amount now gets me a quarter tank at best. Putting five dollars in is almost a waste of time in many cases. We dont know what is going on with the prices, and that means we are looking into other energy resources to fuel our vehicles. We are also looking for resources that can lead to cleaner energy that is meant to come into the home.

What is interesting about where we are going with some of the energy resources that we are looking into as alternative to expensive gas and those that are environmental pollutants are the resources with which we started. Things like steam and wind energy sources are things that many communities and the government are working on. They hope these will give us clean burning energy sources that can move us forward without compromising the way of life of which we are now accustomed. There may be some disadvantages, but the good things will far outweigh the bad.

The problem with some of these older energy resources is that they are not quite as easy to deal with as things like gas, coal, and natural gas. They are, however, much cleaner. A car that runs on steam would be ideal in many ways, but there can be some power loss and problems that you dont have with a well tuned gasoline engine. You also have to have a better way to produce steam than burning coal. However, many feel that these can be overcome, and that the use of these clean natural energy resources is what we have to do before we no longer have a planet to worry about.

Nuclear energy is one of the sources that people are really pushing right now, but of all of the energy resources, this is one of the ones that worry people the most. It is very effective, and can produce a lot of power, but there is always the matter of the danger and the waste that it produces. There are newer ways to store this that are safe, but there are no guarantees, and we really have no way of really getting rid of this dangerous waste. No one knows what energy resources are going to come out on top, but the important thing is that the world now sees that this should be a priority.

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