Here's the skinny on ice cream brands

It's doubtful that ice cream will ever fall out of favor. Ice cream is a staple among desserts in households the world over. Perhaps that's why there are dozens of ice cream brands in America alone. Now, if you're an ice cream connoisseur, the type who can't resist trying every new flavor and ice cream brand that shows up on the market, you know that quality differs remarkably from one brand to another.

There are the nationally and internationally acclaimed brands which have captured a large and loyal following by producing the highest quality and most diverse flavors imaginable. You know you can rely on that brand for a good ice cream experience any day of the week. Then there are your local dairys, which also embrace the concept of quality and the finest ingredients. These small dairys may not have the wherewithal to produce on an international scale, but nonetheless bring you a creamy and delicious ice cream.

There are also the store ice cream brands, which are a little less pricey, but don't deliver that luscious taste.

Not mentioning names, but there was a recent grocery sale flyer advertising one of the biggest names in luxury treat products, who saw fit to offer three ice cream bars for $10! Does this manufacturer want us to believe that any ice cream can possibly warrant that sticker price? So how's the ice cream connoisseur supposed to figure out which ice cream brands are worth the price? Just what are you getting for your hard earned bucks?

If you buy your ice cream by the half gallon and you're trying to choose between a store brand and one of the so-called premium brands, here's a weird, but fail-safe test. Take one package of each to the scales in the produce section. Weigh them. The store brand will be lighter, in most cases. Why? The lesser ice cream brands use a little trick of partially filling that half gallon container with a proportion of air. True, the volume of each is a half gallon. The premium brands don't usually use this marketing trick as much as their store brand competitors. The heavier ice cream is usually the better buy.

You'll also want to inspect the ingredients. Remember that ingredients must be listed in descending order. Cream should be at the top of the list, along with other real ingredients. Look for a minimum of additives, colorings and other such offensive non-gourmet ingredients.

When it comes to ice cream, all brands are not created equal!

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