How to combine collage and acrylic painting techniques for fabulous

How to combine collage and acrylic painting techniques for fabulous and original art work!

Everyone has a little artistry in their soul. Oh, but I'm not an artist! So many people say this, believe it and never play with their artful side. Creating your own art work is both personally satisfying and therapeutic, in the sense that you get a chance to be creative in a way the rest of your life may not afford. Even if you've never taken an art class and feel unqualified to draw a stick figure, give it a shot.

When you combine the techniques of collage and acrylic painting, you can create stunning artwork you'll be proud to hang in your home or office. Using both collage and acrylic painting techniques in one work, you'll be surprised at how sophisticated the composition becomes. These two techniques work very well together to produce a unique, three dimensional effect that's full of texture. You don't need an art degree to produce something beautiful.

Acrylics are one of the easiest and most forgiving of paint mediums. Unlike oil paints, you don't have to wait for months for your painting to dry. When you work with acrylic paints, cleanup is a snap all that's required is warm water. Another advantage of combining collage and acrylic painting is that it's a very budget friendly medium, producing a durable painting that easily lasts 30 years (and counting), with a surface that can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

Here are some tips to get you started.

You'll first want to have a selection of collage materials on hand. Magazine and catalog photos, postcards and found objects (such as flowers, leaves, sand, yarn, sequins, glitter and beads) are all good candidates for collage and acrylic paintings which can be used to define different areas of your composition.

Next, you'll need a basic set of acrylic paints and a few sizes of brushes. It's worth paying a bit more for good brushes. They'll last longer and won't lose hairs that can produce unsightly results on your artwork. Make use of the clear matte, gloss and gel acrylic mediums for different and interesting effects.

Unlike oil paints, acrylic paints can be layered for a transparent effect. For example, if you lay down an area in a pale blue, let dry and follow with a portion of the pale blue painted over in a pink, the overlay will appear to be lavender.

When you combine collage and acrylic painting, it's recommended that you work on a hardboard canvas, which provides a more durable base than poster board and is easier and cheaper to frame when your painting is done.

To prepare a hardboard canvas, use a wide acrylic brush to spread a thin layer of clear matte acrylic medium over the surface of the canvas. It should be dry and ready to work in about 10-15 minutes. What you're aiming for is a smooth surface with none of the weave of the canvas creating a rough surface, so that your collage materials lie flat. You may need to apply a second coat.

With a soft pencil, directly on the canvas, lay out and sketch in your basic composition. Try to keep your composition balanced, in terms of sizing spaces, some larger, some smaller, in a visually pleasing variety of shapes and sizes.

Color should be balanced as well. For example, let's say you're combining collage and acrylic painting techniques by using some magazine photo art of a bouquet of brilliant pink roses, as the collage element, which wraps around a garden gate which you're painting. Consider which color for the garden gate will best showcase those flowers.

Combination collage and acrylic paintings usually work best when you paint in your backgrounds first. When you've painted the canvas, allow the paint to dry completely. Now arrange your collage materials within your composition until you're satisfied with how your design looks.

All that's left to complete your collage and acrylic painting is to attach the collage materials. One easy technique is to use spray adhesive on the back of the collage material and then go over the entire canvas with a coat of clear medium. This seals out air, which can damage certain materials, such as leaves, serving to preserve your art work.

Collage and acrylic paintings make a fun project for every age group. This inexpensive hobby can really brighten up your home. Let your imagination be your guide!

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