10 healthiest foods

While the old adage you are what you eat perhaps isnt quite strictly true, what you eat definitely affects how you feel. Your overall health and fitness is to a large degree determined by the food you put in your body. After all, putting chemicals and additives in your body is hardly making things easy for it. To help you out, here are arguably the 10 healthiest foods you can put into your body to get the most out of it.

Broccoli. Yes, the vegetables have it. Broccoli is one of the best things you can feed yourself and your family to put you well on the way to health. It's definitely at the top of the list of the 10 healthiest foods. This tree-like vegetable is extremely high in a variety of vitamins, including iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins, and minerals such as zinc. Its also great as an antioxidant.

Berries are another great one. Theyre high in antioxidants, and are full of vitamins such as vitamin C. Theyre also much lower in sugar than many other fruits, making them a good choice for those on low sugar diets. Half a cup a day will make a huge difference to your health.

Garlic. Grandma was right when she tried to force feed it to you. Garlic is great for keeping germs and viruses at bay, so try it fresh and raw, or chopped up in your cooking.

Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, and mandarins. Not only do these taste wonderful, but theyre excellent for you, too. Theyre very high in vitamin C, fiber, and folic acid. Try squeezing a lemon on your salad instead of a thick dressing.

Nuts are also great for your health, although they are high in calories, so use portion control. Nuts are very high in protein and good fatty acids, so its a good idea to add these to your diet.

Seeds. Like nuts, seeds are high in protein and healthy fats. Sprinkle some on your breakfast or your salads.

Fatty fish. Fatty fish such as salmon is very high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are great for keeping your brain on track. Theyre also good for your hair and nails. Salmon is also high in protein.

Tomatoes. That old salad favorite, tomatoes are very high in vitamin C, and are a great addition to any meal.

Eggs. Eggs have come out on top after being debated in the media for their health benefits. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, iron, and B12, as well as essential fatty acids. Dont skip the yolk, as thats where almost all of the vitamins are.

White meat. Try low fat meats such as turkey. These are high in protein without the fat content of some other meats. Youll also be able to ensure that you meet a number of daily vitamin and mineral intake requirements by eating turkey. Put some on toast, roast it, or add it to a salad, and youll have a well balanced meal that will keep you feeling full, and fit.

Make an effort to fit these 10 healthiest foods into your diet, and you'll feel much healthier.

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