A natural bronchitis remedy that works like a charm!

Bronchitis is a condition that often develops as a result of a cold which doesn't resolve quickly. It's a bacterial infection of the respiratory system, often treated with antibiotics. People most at risk are those who live in damp climates, those who smoke and people with poor or compromised immune system response. The first signs of bronchitis are a cough that hangs in for a week or more, accompanied by yellow or even greenish phlegm being coughed up. Your doctor may prescribe an expectorant cough medicine, along with a strong antibiotic as a bronchitis remedy. However, the first antibiotic prescribed may not work, forcing the doctor to prescribe a stronger antibiotic.

A damp climate only worsens the condition, providing a damp breeding ground for the bacteria to really go to town in your lungs. Smoking naturally exacerbates the condition. The ordinary cold which starts this ball rolling may have weakened your immune system response as well. By the time you see the doctor, the bronchitis may be advanced. Although not usually life-threatening, except perhaps in the case of elderly people, bronchitis can make it difficult to breathe and will certainly make you suffer sleeplessness. You may spend most of the night coughing, which results in damage to the cilia in your lungs, the little 'hairs' lining the bronchial tubes, which act as deterrents to foreign objects and the accumulation of water in the lungs.

Here we have a formula for a natural bronchitis remedy which can clear up even a bad case in 3-4 days, which doesn't carry any of the side effects of pharmaceutical antibiotics and won't leave you feeling drowsy from the alcohol based drugstore expectorants. So, what's this natural miracle of a bronchitis remedy?

You can find this natural bronchitis cure at any health food store which sells herbs in bulk. A combination of Elecampane root, pleurisy root and hot cayenne pepper, (all in powdered form), in an approximate ratio of 10:2:1 respectively is all it takes to obtain quick relief. These herbs may also be available in ready made capsules in a closely similar formula.

Elecampane root is the 'magic' ingredient, used for centuries to treat disorders of the respiratory system and specifically, as a bronchitis remedy. Elecampane root is a powerful natural antibiotic which targets the bacteria which causes bronchitis and is also a natural expectorant. Pleurisy root helps heal lung tissues and also wards off the development of pneumonia. Cayenne pepper is added to this bronchitis remedy for the purpose of serving as a catalyst in speeding the action of the other two ingredients, also providing a warming environment which aids in cleaning up the bronchial tubes, speeding your recovery.

All of the ingredients in this bronchitis remedy are non-toxic. The only side effect is the cure!

The dose? Take 3-4 #0 capsules, 3-4 times a day. You will experience significant relief in just 24 hours. By the third or fourth day, you will feel you are cured. Nonetheless, it's best to continue taking the capsules for 7-10 days, to be sure all vestiges of bacteria have been flushed from your system.

Most herb sellers employ a qualified herbologist. Bring this article with you to confirm the legitimacy and efficaciousness of the formula. If your personal physician is conversant in herbal remedies, consult them as well. This bronchitis remedy really works!

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