Astrology horoscopes

From pre-history and beyond, mankind has looked to the stars. Whether it was with awe or admiration, or pleas for help, forgiveness, or just companionship, the stars have always been a part of our lives from the moment this floating rock of ours became "Earth."

The stars have helped us chart the seasons, guide our ships across unfathomable distances, and calculate the movements of our galaxy. They're our most steadfast companions in this ever-changing world, and it's not a surprise, then, that there are many who look to the stars for guidance in their personal lives.

Astrology horoscopes are are a way of consulting the stars for information, direction and guidance in one's personal life. Many think it works. Many (many many many) more think that it's all a load of baloney. Regardless, astrology horoscopes play a part in the lives of millions of folks daily, so they're not something to be dismissed as an intricate part of our cultural existance.

Feel free to dismiss them scientifically, though. Just sayin'.

Most newspapers will publish astrology horoscopes daily, since there is a large cross-section of society that relies, to one degree or another, on their horoscope. Personally I've found them to be about as accurate as fortune cookies - which is to say, not at all. However, there are reasons to check out astrology horoscopes beyond reasons of accurate prediction.

Namely, there is the entertainment value. I'm a professional skeptic, but on many occasions I've stopped and read the astrology horoscopes just to get a laugh or, occasionally, an insight. Not an insight as to what the day, or the month, might bring - again, I don't really believe they can predict that - but an insight into what people who do read the astrology horoscopes regularly want to hear. It's all marketing, when you really think about it. People want to be told things about their lives, and if the things they're told are bad, they'll go somewhere else. If they're too good, they won't believe them. So in most instances astrology horoscopes will have some of column a, some of column b, then add a little bit of common sense advice (Show up early to work and keep your boss happy! - what an insight!). It's basically a way of reassuring people about what they already know. Everyone loves to have their thoughts regurgitated back to them, and in this way, the mankind has found yet another use for the stars.

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