Cleansing the liver is key to a longer and healthier

Cleansing the liver is key to a longer and healthier life

Your liver is surely one of the most important organs in your body. Your liver is the main processing organ to sift out the many toxins and environmental pollutants you're exposed to every day.

Along with the benefits of modern life, there's a down side. Much of our food contains a Pandora's box of chemicals, hormones, animal antibiotics and preservative agents which didn't even exist a hundred years ago. The prolific use of pesticides in our food supply further increase the load on your liver. When the liver becomes overtaxed, these toxins accumulate, eventually circulating in your bloodstream to your ultimate detriment. If only for these reasons, cleansing the liver should be a priority.

However, the list of toxins your liver needs to process doesn't end there. Other substances, of a seemingly more benign nature, which we ingest regularly, tax the liver further. Some examples include caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol and prescription medications.

Caffeine, found in coffee, tea and sodas must be flushed out by the liver. Excess amounts of caffeine, not sifted out by the liver, find their way to your kidneys, another load on that organ. The caffeine also increases your heart rate. Too much caffeine can cause problems there too.

Cigarettes contain a host of chemicals, more work for the liver. Alcoholic beverages present yet another job for your liver. Prescription medications, as well as the so-called 'recreational' drugs are filtered by the liver too.

You can see what a workhorse your liver is, but workhorses can wear out when pressed beyond the breaking point. Add environmental pollutants and your poor liver is one overworked organ.

Hopefully, you are now convinced that cleansing your liver can be a way to increased longevity and generally better health.

Here's a simple formula for cleansing the liver and improving your health over your lifetime. You should perform a liver cleansing regimen at least once, preferably twice a year.

1.Start with a one or two day water and juice fast. Be sure to clear this with your doctor first, to be sure this is safe for your individual health conditions. A short water and juice fast gets the ball rolling, with an initial flush of toxins from your bloodstream and digestive system.

2.You'll need to get two herbs, which are specifics for cleansing the liver. The first is dandelion root powder. The root of the dandelion plant is a marvelous tonic for cleansing the liver, detoxifying and strengthening the function of this most important organ. Every body-cleansing diet should include this powerful, but safe herb. Dandelion root is also a natural diuretic, so it's smart to eat bananas and other foods containing potassium, which can be leached from your system along with the excess water.

3.If your liver function is impaired with a condition such as the classic 'fatty' liver, use Milk Thistle seed, another eminently safe herb for cleansing the liver, which, while acting as a tonic, also has the proven ability to regenerate liver cells.

These herbs are readily available at health food store. Ask the herbalist for guidance on a dosage appropriate for cleansing the liver. An alternating 10 days on, 10 days off schedule is most efficacious.

When you've completed this liver cleansing program, you'll feel the difference with increased energy and vigor. Practiced over a lifetime, old age will find you in robust good health.

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