Free Latin Music is Available Online Illegally

Everywhere you go these days people are pumping up the volume on free Latin music that they are downloading illegally from online file sharing sites such as or Napster. These free sharing sites are really just another name for illegal pirating and the people that are putting up these sites should be stopped and prosecuted in the opinion of many in the music and film business. A lot of time and money is spent to make the music that these artists and film makers create and for someone to just give it away randomly or steal it from the internet is completely wrong.

This is outright stealing and is covered under international piracy laws. You would not think of bringing your movie camera to your neighborhood multiplex and filming the latest release like Avatar or Kick Ass and then making thousands of bad quality copies and selling them on a street corner in Managua, would you? But that is precisely what you are doing when you download free Latin music or any form of music from the internet without the artists permission. It is hard enough for most musicians to make a buck these days without some goofball grabbing up his intellectual property without paying a dime.

If you think about it this form of piracy is just about being cheap. If someone wants free Latin music so badly why cant they just sign up for an account with like everyone else and pay a measly ninety nine cents per song, which is what most tunes cost these days. In some instances songs cost a bit more, but I have never seen them cost more than one dollar and twenty nine cents each. Dont tell me you cant afford ninety nine cents to pay the royalty rights to your favorite artists. And dont even think about calling yourself a fan of these musicians or actors that you are stealing from. This is like some stranger coming up to you, picking your pocket and then telling you how much he loves your work. If you really love their work then pay for it like everyone else.

Free music and videos online are usually very poor quality anyway and you are never really getting the experience that the artist intended. I know a lot of people that tell me they dont care if the camera is shaky or the film grainy or the sound quality muffled. These are the same people that eat fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and drink Keystone Light while telling you how much they love it. No one loves Keystone Light. They buy it because it is dirt cheap. Any one that buys or drinks this stuff is a cheapskate and that goes double for people downloading supposedly free Latin music online. It is wrong, illegal, and unethical and you need to stop.

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