Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Whether you are looking for your first job, or have been interviewing for a long time, you probably worry about new trends in job searching and also the tried and true, frequently asked interview questions. There are some old standards that many interviewers use when they are seeking new employees, and these have been around for a very long time for one very good reason they work. If you understand the questions and know what the interviewer is trying to find out, you can better answer the questions in a positive and persuasive manner.

One of the most frequently asked interview questions you may hear in any interview is the question about where you see yourself in five or ten years. This tells an interviewer many things about you. They can tell if you are likely to stay with a job, and if you plan ahead. This also tells them that you have ambitions for yourself that will make you a good employee. Don't make the mistake of saying that you want to get married or have kids in five years, as they only want to hear about your career ambitions. Think this question out well before you start any job search.

If you wince when you hear the question, What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? you are not alone. This is one of the most frequently asked interview questions used in just about any industry. They want to know that you are aware that you are not perfect, and they also want to know that you have a belief that you are an asset to a company that may hire you. There are some pat and common answers out there that many people give. Try to avoid those and come up with truthful answers that will not make you look like a bad candidate.

Some people come right out and ask you why they should hire you. Be prepared for this very common of frequently asked interview questions. This is a tricky question, but you will do fine with it if you put some thought into it beforehand. It is much like the strengths and weaknesses question. Let them know why you will be a good employee, what your strengths are in both education and experience, and what makes you someone they can rely on to do a good job. Mention any special job-related talents. Don't make this too hard. Ask those you know what they think would make you a good employee. Often friends and loved ones see things about us that we do not notice.

Lastly, other than being ready for some of these frequently asked interview questions, have some questions of your own ready when you go in. You should do research and know a lot about the company to which you are applying, but you should also have some questions to ask your interviewer. If you do not ask them any questions, they may assume you are looking for a job any job rather than that you have a desire to work for their company in particular. It helps when they know you have chosen to apply to them for a reason, not just because no one else has yet to hire you.

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