One of the best ways to teach biology experiments is through hands-on experience. Hands-on experiments allow students to get actively involved in whatever biology experiments they are currently undertaking and thus they are better able to grasp the requirements and the concepts being put across. There are countless experiments that students can try out. Whether food tests or human senses, there are very simple as well as advanced experiments that students of all levels can try out. A simple search on the internet will show up thousands of experiments that can easily be arranged and done using basic materials that are easy to find.
One of the most important and common experiments in many science fair experiments is the photosynthesis test. This process is very complex in nature and though it has not been fully understood, it is still possible to use some plants and a few bacteria to show that the invisible processes are at work. Another of the biology experiments is what is called the attack of the straws. The purpose of this biology experiment is to see if a paper straw can go through a raw potato and is used to teach about inertia and momentum. All the materials that are needed are a raw potato, a science journal and one or more potato straws and you are set to go. With a fast, strong push, stab the potato with the straw without supporting the potato. The straw should go in through the potato showing the effect on an object when an external force is applied. In this case, the potato remains at rest and the straw keeps moving.
There are also other biology experiments that can be tried. One of these is the effect of oxygen on materials, such as in metal rusting. Also on a small scale, oxygens radical roles in aging can also be experimented. While some of biology experiments may seem very trivial, they are in fact the foundations to more advanced experiments that can in the long run change the way we view or understand our environment. Therefore, rather than see them as part of the curriculum that students are expected to cover, such experiments should be seen as doorways to future breakthroughs in the fields of medicine or science. After all, even the most basic experiments that were carried out by Mendel eventually evolved and helped us to understand the role that genes play in our development.
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