Nut Allergy

Of all of the food allergies out there, the nut allergy is one of the most dangerous and severe. Your typical food allergy only flares up if you are actually eating the food you are allergic to. For example, my wheat allergy doesn't effect me unless I actually eat wheat. I can be in the same room with people eating bread and it will not bother me at all.

With nut allergies, things are often very different. I have a niece with a peanut allergy so severe that she can not even be in the same room with peanuts. It can be a really dangerous situation if she is. Her throat will swell up, she will start to wheeze and, if she does not get out of the environment, she can actually asphyxiate. Many other folks with tree nut allergies have the same situation. If someone goes into their school with peanut butter, for example, they may need to go into the hospital.

Of course, not all nut allergies are that severe. It really depends on the individual. Sometimes people are only moderately allergic to nuts. When this is the case, they can be around them as long as they do not eat them. At other times, the problem is not the nuts at all, but the mold that is often found in tree nuts. Nuts from trees can sometimes have mold even if they are relatively fresh, and some people are really sensitive to even a small amount of mold. Although eating nuts is pretty dicey for mold-sensitive people, if they know a particular company they can trust, they can eat nuts grown by that company.

Sometimes, food allergy sufferers can get over their allergy with the help of injections and other sorts of treatment. I have a friend who had a really bad nut allergy which suddenly developed a few years ago. It was a big pain for him until he started getting allergy shots. After about six months on the allergy medicine, however, his allergy started going away. About a month after that, he could eat a few nuts with no reaction whatsoever. Although my friend can not exactly gorge on peanuts, he is able to have a few as a treat every now and then. More importantly, if he accidentally eats some, he does not have to worry about a severe reaction. He does not have to be concerned about being rushed to the hospital for his nut allergy.

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