Top Art Careers

There are many jobs people tolerate and many more jobs that people just hate. Everyone is different of course, but some jobs whether they're in an office or cubicle just aren't acceptable to some people. Maybe you're like that. Maybe the idea of office works or a structured environment doesn't appeal to you. Maybe it even repulses you! Maybe you want a job that is more flexible and can highlight different aspects of your creative personality. If so, you might want a job in one of several art careers. In fact, there's more to art careers than just painting or sculpting. Here are some of the top art careers you might not have thought about.

Perhaps you've been interested in art careers and you're also very good with people. If so, you might want to consider one of these art careers. A growing field is art therapy. It has been proven that works of art can create different emotional responses in the person viewing them. Art therapy strives to uncover and address emotional and psychological issues that are keeping a patient from living a full and happy life. If you like art and helping people, art therapy might be one of the art careers for you. Another of the art careers that you might want to consider if you like people is an art educator. Many people are interested in art but have a difficult time understanding or appreciating pieces as much as they'd like. Your job would be to help explain and introduce different art forms and movements to them so that they might better enjoy it.

What if I were to tell you that there among art careers, there is one that is not just growing in popularity and demand but also allows you to choose your own hours and utilize your creative abilities completely? I know it sounds like a dream, but it's not. It's a tattoo artist. Tattoos are now more popular than ever, and many people will spend a lot of money to express themselves through body art. Your job as a tattoo artist is to make these expressions real. All you need is your artistic sensibility and some coursework in hygiene. And I hope you don't have a fear of needles!

There are many more art careers out there than just the stereotype of an artist with a beret at her easel. Art is still a valuable commodity and it's appearing in more forms and styles than every before in history. If you think outside the box a little, you can find the job of your dreams in any number of art careers.

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