Trying To Find a Millionaire?

Everyone has a different idea about what they want in another person when they want to settle down and get married. If you compare the list of each person, all of those lists are going to be different. Some value looks, while others are more concerned with finding someone to make them laugh. Some have to have both. Some want someone with ambition, and some feel that as long as there is love, everything will be okay. Still others want to find a millionaire to marry, which can be hard if you are doing it for all of the wrong reasons.

You can find a millionaire anywhere. The problem with basing your love interest on money is that your options are limited, and also that many that have money are aware that they have to be more careful about who they get involved with while dating and getting married. Some think that a millionaire would make life easier, while others simply have no desire to work after they have children, and they feel that financial security would allow them to spend time with their children. Still others just want to have a lot of money. Whatever your reasons, make sure you are honest with yourself about those reasons or the relationship will never work.

It could be harder to find a millionaire than you think. Those that have money are not always obvious about it. In fact, some millionaires look like anything but someone with money. Today, a million is a not a lot of money in comparison to what it was a few decades ago. Some are just millionaires on paper, but much of that is tied up in assets. The actual cash on hand is much lower. On top of that, many that have a lot of money choose to hoard it and you could be with them, but you won't see much of it.

Self made millionaires often worked very hard for what they have, and they have such a net worth because they do not spend their money on anything. Some can be downright tightfisted to the point where they hurt their own families. If you find a millionaire that is a spend thrift (and that is how they got where they are) they are not going to give you an open hand to go spend whatever you want. In fact, you may have trouble getting them to pay for things like education. They may cut children out when they need the money the most. That is just the nature of those that hoard money.

If you want to find a millionaire, remember it may not end up being what you think it will be. If you go in with the right reasons, that won't bother you so much. Concentrate on finding people of interest in your own town, and also see what you can find online. There are some special dating sites that cater to those that want to find a millionaire, or someone with even more money than that. Just remember that using such a site lets that person know you have money on your mind. Their reasons for being on such a web site may not be the same as yours. Make sure you find out.

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