Use Mold Test Kits at Home to Ensure Safety

I never thought I would need a home version of those mold test kits until I noticed a disgusting black substance on my bathroom ceiling right above the shower. At first, I thought it was just common dirt, but no amount of scrubbing with my usual cleansers did anything to remove the stain. That's when I decided I didn't want to risk my family's health any longer, so I went out and bought an analysis kit right away.

This situation has been on the news a lot recently, so I know that consistent, long-term exposure to moldy buildup or airborne spores can lead to a whole host of medical problems. On the mild side, family members could experience allergic reactions such as skin rashes, throat irritation, or itchy and watery eyes. On the severe side, toxic molds can cause serious respiratory complications, and in the most extreme cases, may even lead to death. Clearly, this is not something I want to mess around with, so buying mold test kits was definitely the correct step for me to take.

Home mold test kits are not exactly do-it-yourself, but at least they're an inexpensive way to find out if you've got a serious problem on your hands. Most of these products allow you to take either a surface or an air sample (or both), which you then send on to a lab for further analysis. Results are sent back to you usually within a couple of weeks, at which time you can take additional action if needed. Some DIY mold test kits also come with charts or pictures that allow you to perform a quick visual analysis of the problem area, but I wouldn't rely solely on a this method to determine whether or not there was a true infestation in my house.

At first, I thought I would just use one of these home mold test kits in my bathroom where I saw the black spots, but after reading more about the subject, I'm probably going to perform additional testing in other rooms. For example, my basement is probably a prime candidate for infestation, as are my heating and air conditioning ducts since I've never had those cleaned out before. And we haven't been in the attic in ages, so who knows what we might find up there. I guess I better go out and buy several more mold test kits just to be on the safe side!

I'm well aware that do-it-yourself mold test kits are only the first step in the detection and removal process. If it turns out that the black substance in my bathroom is indeed toxic, then I'm going to call in an expert to handle the rest of the steps so I can be sure everything is done the right way. This is obviously not something I'm looking forward to doing, but the peace of mind that comes with knowing my family is out of danger will be worth it.

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