To the uninitiated or disinclined diner, vegan recipes are often thought to compare unfavorably, both in taste and nutritional value, to meat-based dishes. In fact, vegan recipes need not be a dull, boring cuisine. It's true that a good vegan diet must make use of the right combinations of food in order to be adequate in nutritional value. For example, the combination of beans wrapped in a tortilla provides protein and the amino acids the 'building blocks of life' - required for well rounded nutrition. Tofu and rice are another. Some vegetarians will eat dairy products and eggs, which are considered complete proteins, in that these contain all of the essential amino acids, so if you do eat such foods, it's not necessary to worry about combining foods in these meals.
When you choose an exclusively vegan diet, you also naturally want a varied menu of tastes to satisfy your palate.
Most people who opt for the vegan diet have a decided dislike of the concept of eating animals, or, for that matter, in the case of the strict vegetarian, using any product made from a once-living animal, such as leather shoes, belts or handbags. Others simply feel that animal meat products are unhealthful. When you think of the antibiotics, chemical additives, preservatives and steroids contained in meat products, this perspective makes sense.
When you adopt a vegan diet, you've got to read your food ingredient labels at supermarkets far more carefully than most folks. If you shop at a health food store, your task is far easier, as most foods are labeled '100% vegetarian ingredients', so that you know, without getting out your reading glasses, that your food does not contain any animal or animal derived products.
Now, how do you find vegetarian recipes which combine the right foods to assure that you're getting good nutrition? Vegan recipes abound on the net, with websites dedicated to only vegan recipes and many others with a vegan category. Such recipes may give brand names of ingredients to help you out when shopping. Another resource for vegetarian recipes is a vegan cookbook, which you can buy in bookstores or find as downloadable e-books online. If you can browse the table of contents online, or peruse a print copy of a book, look for one which gives a discussion on combining foods in each meal that provide complete nutrition.
As a rule of thumb, a well-balanced vegan diet typically includes lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and a variety of seeds, nuts and soy-based products. You'll find you can adapt meat-based recipes by substituting tofu for the meat. Tofu is made from soy, with protein and all of the essential amino acids. Tofu comes in different textures, ranging from soft to very firm. With the unusual property of taking on the taste of the foods its cooked with, this high quality food is a mainstay in vegan recipes. For example, if your tofu is 'marinated' in a dish with dried mushrooms and water, the tofu has the flavor of mushrooms. Depending on the dish, you'll pick up some valuable trace minerals by tossing the water used to re-hydrate into your dish.
Very firm tofu can emulate the texture and bite of meat - without the meat. If you've tried the Thai chicken with peanut sauce, served over rice, substituting very firm tofu for the chicken is a delicious vegan recipe alternative.
Creative ways of seasoning your food is an easy way to add zest to any vegan recipe. Most people in India are vegans and home cooks are masters in the use of fragrant herbs to make heavenly dishes, seasoned with turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and a mixture known as garam masala, just to mention a few. With such exotic tastes, you won't even miss the meat. Picking up a cook book of Indian vegan recipes will introduce you to dozens of vegan dishes you'll want to serve again and again.
Soy burgers, available in chicken and beef flavors, can also stand in as a substitute for a meat-based recipe. If you're in the mood for a burger or chili, go for it. No guilt and nutritious and as tasty as the real thing.
The use of vegan recipes can be a very healthy lifestyle choice. One thing is for certain. You'll undoubtedly be consuming more fiber (great protection for the digestive system), antioxidants (cancer-fighting free radical scavengers), and very little fat) when compared to your meat-eating counterparts. Adopting a vegan diet for a short while might win you over for good!
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