What are the Benefits of Exercise?

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. But there are many more benefits of exercise than you might expect. Here are just a couple of benefits of exercise that you may or may not know about.

The most commonly known benefits of exercise are vague and general. We all know that one of the chief benefits of exercise is that it leads to better health. But there are numerous benefits of exercise that lead to better health. It improves circulation. This can lead to lower blood pressure. This, obviously, leads to a lower risk factor for a number of diseases and chronic conditions that can happen with high blood pressure. This improvement in circulation can decrease cholesterol as well. Low cholesterol is the best way to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Another of the less known benefits of exercise as it pertains to health is that it can delay the deterioration of bones, and in some cases, improve bone density. This will decrease the risk of osteoporosis.

Other benefits of exercises for your health might not necessarily improve your physical health. Exercise is also great for your mental and emotional health. Exercise works as a wonderful natural therapy that can improve moods and fight depression. Regular exercise also gives you an increase in both energy and pep. Those that exercise regularly often have their bodies moving more and more efficiently, which has a hormonal impact on you. It is akin to a car being fueled with premium gasoline instead of regular unleaded. Your body responds to the exercise and rewards you with heightened energy levels.

Let's face it, we live in stressful times. One of the best benefits of exercise is that it helps reduce stress levels. Exercise is in itself a practice in releasing. You push your body to reach a level of exhaustion, and in doing so, you "work out" your body. In a sense, you're working out the stress that piles on during the day. Exercise has also been linked to increased mental focus. Could you imagine spending 20-30 minutes a day and the result being lower stress and higher mental focus? Isn't that what we all want? You can get these benefits of exercise and more.

Finally, perhaps the best of all benefits of exercise is the increased self-esteem. Your body has been designed to be used physically, not cooped up in a cubicle, a commute or a desk. By using your body for activity, your body feels better, and so do you. Finally, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Just talking about all these benefits of exercise makes me want to get up and go for a jog. You should too!

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