About France for the American Visitor

Everyone knows at least a few things about France. The Eiffel Tower, baguettes and berets. Any time anyone says anything about France, it all sort of sounds the same. "The food!" or "It's magical!". And if you've never been to France, let me assure you, everything you've ever heard about France is true (except for that bit about how rude French people are, but more on that in a second).

I've been to France several times, both in Paris and out in the French countryside. One of the things about France that strikes me the most is that it is exactly how you see it in movies and read about in books. There just is an air of magic - a rustic and timeless aura about France that you cannot deny.

Of course, when one says anything about France, they almost always start with Paris. The so-called City of Lights, Paris is easily my favorite city in the world (and I've seen a few). The Hausmannization makes the city charming from every angle, the main streets are wide, bright and clean. It's a walking city with the most efficient and cleanest Metro or subway system that I've seen. It's beautiful, simple as that.

One of the most commonly heard complaints about France are the people. The typical stereotype is that they're a bunch of coffee and cheese eating, deodorant-lacking, rude wimps. That's only half true. The people of Paris typically enjoy their espressos standing at a local cafe, and really, this is perhaps my favorite thing about France anyway. And who doesn't like cheese? They smell fine and I didn't notice any wimp-like behavior. And they're not nearly as rude or anti-American as you've heard. Waiters are routinely kind, prompt and gracious, even if you can't speak any French.

There's more about France than just Paris. The south shores of France bask in sunlight as the Mediterranean lap up on its beaches. But just as striking are the beaches to the north, an hour outside of Paris on the English Channel. The rustic and beautiful fields and farms make welcome summer retreats.

Of course, there's only so much you can say about France in a couple hundred words online. If you want to find out more about France, there are plenty of excellent guide books available at your local bookstore. Of course, you might be more inclined to search the Internet for information about France, but beware. Most people heighten their experiences in forums and chatrooms and highlight only the very best or the very worst of their time spent in France. Finally, the best way, (some might say the only way) to really find out about France for is to go there yourself!

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