Accidents do Happen!

Driving is a privilege; not a right! I'll bet you've heard this spiel before. Most likely from your parents, and then possibly from your driver's education instructor about a dozen times more. It's really is the truth. Far too many individuals lack the proper discipline to drive carefully. This is no laughing matter. In fact, it's the reason we have so many traffic accidents here in the United States. People need to slow it down and take a breather. If you're in such a hurry, learn how to leave earlier. It just makes sense!

Thousands of traffic accidents occur every single year. Some are minor and leave no permanent damage, but others are fatal and tragic. What really bothers me is how many traffic accidents concern teenage drivers. I suppose we all should expect this. Once teenagers acquire that almighty driver's license, they think they can do whatever. And to boot they assume they're invincible. Ahh, the ignorance of youth. Naturally once they see or experience a bad car wreck, point of views are changed. Suddenly life is seen as more fragile. This happened to my entire high school back in the 1990s when six fellow students were killed in traffic accidents over one weekend. Three were driving drunk in a pick-up truck, which flew off a cliff, and the other two hit a light pole doing 92 miles an hour. Yeah, that will pretty much put things into perspective. That memory still haunts me to this day. It's one of the reasons I don't drink and drive and never speed. If I need to get somewhere quicker, I simply leave earlier. America as a whole would be much better off if everyone did the same.

Let's not forget about all the road rage. This is certainly a primary factor when it comes to modern traffic accidents. Someone cuts you off, and then you proceed to get them back by cutting in front of them. The routine goes back and fourth until one car ends up in a ditch or colliding with a mac truck. I even saw on the news where one woman shot another for cutting her off on the freeway. This is absurd! Doesn't everyone know that traffic accidents would decrease if everyone mellowed-out and slowed down? Don't find out the hard way.

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