Advertising Banners

Doing business online has become commonplace. No longer is the need to be located in a strategic location required to succeed online. Instead, those who have become successful online are those who have recognized the need to be known and have marketed themselves aggressively online. One of the most common ways of marketing a business online is through the use of advertising banners. You have probably come across many of these banners online. In fact, some can be a bit of a nuisance popping up in unexpected areas, hence the term pop-up banners that have been associated with online spam.

However, on a brighter note, advertising banners are a great way to establish your presence online. Try opening your mail, for example Yahoo!, and you will be amazed at the rate businesses are using advertising banners to make themselves known. One advantage of using advertising banners is the fact that they are eye-catching. Thus, even when a visitor navigates to another page without reading the page contents, he or she will likely note the banner and its message will be embedded on their minds. Many marketers have recognized this and have used it extensively. Now, almost all major sites have some sort of advertising banners either for their own business or from their affiliate partners.

Advertising banners can come in many forms. One of these is the use of flash banners. A flash banner is an animated banner that displays the needed information to the user either in a successive slide format or as a static section of the web page. Flash advertising banners are very flexible to implement. Almost virtually any animated can be made using the flash tools. It is not surprising therefore that despite the possibility of these banners
being heavy on a web page, they continue to be used extensively. Our eyes are attracted to movement and thus, it is no wonder that animated flash banners quickly catch our eye.

Advertising banners also have their negative side. When used extensively especially on a single web page, they tend to cause clatter. They should thus be used sparingly. In fact, some major sites have altogether done away with banners and stuck to the basic static web page. This is due to, partly, what is known as browser incompatibility which can cause web pages not to render correctly when viewed using certain web browsers. However, alternatives exist for this problem. All in all, advertising banners are a great way to market your business on the web.

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