An unsuspected source of laughter political humor

Is Sarah Palin now the essence of political humor? Her recent announcement to resign her post as Alaska's Governor really threw a lot of people for a loop. At the same time, you might consider Al Franken, of Saturday Night Live fame, now a Senator, a runner up in the political laughs. However, while he's known for making people laugh, on purpose, Sarah doesn't fare so well. The laughs she generated were totally unintended.

Political humor has many faces, but here we'll just consider these two, at opposite ends of the spectrum. While the mainstream media has followed both of these political humor candidates, it seems Mr. Franken has received the most in credibility.

Remember Ms. Palin's shopping spree? Republican supporters sponsored a hefty amount of money to outfit the Alaska Governor as befitting a Vice Presidential candidate. Guess she went overboard, trying to make a big splash. $175,000 later, the sponsors were aghast at the bill, but she was nicely dressed indeed.

Sarah Palin's political humor value was well illustrated in her much publicized interview with Katie Couric. Ms. Couric, a veteran reporter with considerable interviewing skills, had easy pickings that day.

I'll have to paraphrase here, but it went something like this. So, can you tell me what publications you read on a regular basis? Sarah, um, Madam Governor, seemed to flinch a bit, her ready smile sagging just a tad. It was obvious to even the casual viewer, that the Governor was trying to regroup, and quickly. I must admit to snickering at this point, breath held, waiting for the response. It was as good as it gets.

As Sarah mentally fluffed up her do, she replied. Well, I read everything. I read the newspapers and magazines, just everything. Again, I'm paraphrasing, so don't sue me! But that was the gist of her response.

Katie looked like the cat that caught the canary. Can you name any specific publications you read? Ms. Couric wasn't going to coach the Governor with a few suggestions. Um, I'll have to get back to you on that one. OMG, and this woman was to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?

One classic political humor sound byte from Ms. Palin will likely be written in the history books: I can see Russia from my back yard!

Now, for Mr. Franken. A tight vote and a recount finally determined that Al Franken had beaten his opponent by about 300 votes. So now, Al, a well known political humorist, is installed as a Senator. What's going on here? The candidate who has garnered legitimate laughs on network television is now a political figure of some substance. Will he actually do something to change the world for the better? We can only hope.

Ms. Palin, a somewhat established politician, now seems to be fleeing the public spotlight. She cites legal entanglements which are costing the Alaskan taxpayers as the reason for her virtuous exit stage left. Oh, Sarah, are you going to deprive us of the political humor with which you've thus far entertained us?

There's always 2012. Maybe Al Franken will provide us with laughs and substance, a unique combination in a politician.

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