Antique phonographs

My great uncle Alex was always quite a character. Although he presented himself in an immaculate fashion, he always gave the appearance of hiding something. He would hint at strange secrets to be found in his house, things which we knew that none of us would ever discover until after he passed on. When he did pass away, however, the interior of his house was not the surprising thing. It was all immaculately designed, done by an interior decorator with an eye for classicism, yet modern accents. What surprised us was the number of riches in his house. There was antique silverware, old books, and even a few pieces of priceless jewelery. The real prize in my mind, however, was his antique phonograph collection.

He had literally thousands of antique phonographs, arranged neatly in bookshelf after bookshelf in a secret room behind his study. His record collection seemed to range in age from the beginning of records to the late 1950s, although more of them were of the older type than of the newer. Some of his antique phonographs, as a matter of fact, were so old that they weren't actually records at all. They were wax cylinders, the first form of analog recording ever invented! To say that I was anxious to try them out would be greatly understating the case.

You see, I have always been a fan of collectible phonographs. I have a modest, yet substantial antique records collection myself. I specialize in jazz from the 1920s, and some of my pieces are viewed is quite rare. My antique phonographs, however, pale in comparison to what he had. I am quite sure that some of these records don't even exist anymore. I have been researching some of them with the Smithsonian collection, and many of his antiques are thought to have been completely lost to history. This raises the interesting question of what to do with them.

Personally, I think that all the antique phonographs should be recorded for posterity. That way, people will always be able to treasure these priceless early recordings. One of my cousins, however, has a much different view of things. He thinks that they are much too delicate and too precious to entrust to an archival service. He doesn't even want to listen to them! He would rather keep them as an investment, never letting them see the light of day again. I think that this is a terrible idea. Good music should be listened to!

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