Are abstract paintings really art? It depends ...

It's true that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Just as people are attracted to one individual and not another, it's the same when it comes to art. I recall, as a child, my elderly Great Aunt, squinting her eyes through her glasses, looking at an abstract painting in my parent's home. What is that? You can't even tell what it is! Not very gracious of her to make this remark, but it's an opinion shared by plenty of people with respect to abstract paintings.

It was much the same when the Impressionists began displaying their work in the 19th century. Art collectors were in a tizzy over this new style of painting, because it didn't match up with what they were accustomed to deeming 'art'. However, in the end, Van Gogh, Monet, Degas and Gauguin, among many others, eventually took the world by storm. Their paintings now sell for fabulous sums.

Then came Salvador Dali and Picasso to push the envelope even further. Picasso might be said to be the master of abstract painting, with his rearranged body parts and upside down faces, while Dali was a master of surrealism. Their works inspired new generations of abstract painters.

So if you enjoy art, but are one of those who hasn't given a chance to abstract art, check the Sunday paper for abstract painting exhibits and go take a look. Check out some of the online art galleries which feature abstract paintings and broaden your artistic horizons.

IMHO, the best abstract paintings are those which pique your imagination, are well composed in terms of color and a balanced design and which suggest more than one interpretation. These are the ones that turn out to be keepers, simply because they continue to be intriguing.

The key to appreciating abstract art works lies in your own imagination. Attend a couple of local exhibits and look around online as well. You may not like everything you find, but you'll find some that will challenge your eye and imagination. Perhaps you'll be fascinated with a particular palette of colors, or an interesting design or arrangement. Abstract art has a way of triggering memories in a particularly unique way which has meaning for you. Keep your mind open and receptive to what the artist might be trying to convey.

Of course, you're sure to run across other types, which may do nothing for you visually or mentally. For example, the splatter-the-paint technique doesn't really thrill me, but art is a personal thing. I like more orderly compositions. My sister is one more taken with a random, free thinking approach reflected in her art preferences.

Once you begin to look at the spectrum of styles, palettes and composition available in abstract paintings, you'll start to appreciate this form of art work. You might also take a class on art appreciation. Who knows, you may then want to try your own hand at this form of expression. Remember that, beauty is, in the eye of the beholder.

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