Are Accredited Online Universities Worth It?

Times are tough for Americans all over the country. While money might be tight, further education from any number of accredited online universities might be the best investment you could make right now. Whether you're looking for career advancement, forging a new career path or indulging in a new interest, accredited online universities are a economically friendly alternative.

Accredited online universities are any number of schools online that offer a variety of degree and certification programs. The difference between accredited online universities and "regular" universities are slight and shrinking everyday. There was once a time where accredited online universities were stigmatized and not a relevant option for anyone. However, with the emergence of online technologies and developments, accredited online universities are now a perfectly viable option for the adult student. In fact, many so-called "brick and mortar" schools are aggressively expanding their extension programs and distance learning. Why? Because accredited online universities have many advantages that other schools don't have.

First of all, accredited online universities, as their name implies, go through accreditation processes just like other schools. This insures that the education you receive is worth the tuition that you pay for them. Secondly, the amount of expenditures that accredited online universities need to exist is drastically lower because simply they don't have any real estate to pay off, maintain or staff. This savings is passed on to you with lower tuitions and a variety of scholarships and financial aid.

And yes, while many of us are struggling to pay the bills, the idea of adding another bill to one of the accredited online universities seems just like further punishment. However, consider that tuition for accredited online universities are very reasonable. Also, most people are unaware that many student loans are applicable to accredited online universities. Student loans are, of course, one of the most generous loans in terms of interest rates meaning that a degree from any of the accredited online universities is probably the best and safest investment you can make.

So whether you have hit a ceiling in your current career and are looking for expanding and enhancing your skill set to earn you a promotion (and many money!) or are looking to place yourself in a new career that you've always dreamed of, consider accredited online universities. Pursuing a degree or certification from an accredited online university could very well be the best decision you can make!

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