Become a financial planner and help others give meaning to

Become a financial planner and help others give meaning to their lives

If you're a high school student about to graduate, you're probably wondering what exactly should you do with the rest of your life. At least you'll be asking yourself what kind of work you'd like to do. You'll look into different occupations and seek those that promise to give the greatest play to your skills, abilities, potentialities, and that holds out the prospects of good money and continued advancement. If you're the right kind of young person, if you have the right motivations and have done your school work, you might decide to become a financial planner.

How does someone become a financial planner? What motivates them; what do they have to do, what studies should they pursue, to be a financial planner. Is the payback attractive? What other rewards besides monetary can you expect if you become a financial planner?

You are sure to be told by your counselor that you will be happiest doing what you do best. This piece of ancient Greek wisdom, Plato the source, was insightful when it was stated then, and it is still valid for most of us today. Do you enjoy working with money, numbers, planning? Are you successful at your own financial planning? Do you get a thrill when your plans come together, when the goal has been reached and the hoped for and expected actually occurs? Do you get along with people, like them, derive a sense of meaning as you help them along their own paths to fulfillment? If you can answer all these questions in the affirmative, you probably have what it takes to become a financial planner.

There are various kinds of financial planners, and those who enjoy working with individuals will probably gravitate towards personal financial planning. Such people may work for large corporations, but more often they open their own business and carry out their business as a single person consultant. They may have their own offices, even their own administrative staff. Those who get the right kind of clients, clients with money or money-making potential, are often located in the central business district of the city the work from. They may make millions (2% of managed assets in some cases), or they may make enough to live a comfortable life; they do enter this profession, after all, to make money. If you become a financial planner, and you're good at it, you're bound to make a fairly good living as you help others to make the most of their income. The financial rewards for you are promising indeed!

As a financial planner, you'll help other people with a moderate to high income put their money to work for their greater enrichment, and you will devise plans, given your client's resources and potentials, to make their money earn more money to finance their goals and dreams. You'll have to know economics, business, finance. Getting a degree in any of these fields will lay the necessary foundation for you to become a financial planner, and you'll have a degree you can display on your office wall like a doctor, one that assures your future clients of your competence. You'll learn about investments, insurance, taxes, risk management, retirement planning, estate planing, education funding, all personal financial concerns. You can go on to become a certified financial planner by taking examinations from competent authorities.

Being a personal financial planner offers many rewards besides money. For many planners, helping families realize their dreams is the greatest of all rewards. Through your knowledge, experience, and art, you can be instrumental in helping others realize the meaning, the purpose, of these lives.

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