Regardless about how you feel about global warming, I bet you want to save a little bit of money. If you don't want to save money, there's certainly nothing I can do to help you, but if you do, you'd be surprised how "going green" go help you go "green" too - green with cash! One of the best ways to save money and the environment is to focus on your electrical appliances. If you make a couple of changes with your electrical appliances, you can save a lot of money and reduce your carbon footprint - it's a win-win situation!
The first thing you need to consider are your smaller electrical appliances - you almost always purchase these for convenience as opposed to necessity. Do you really need an electric can opener, when a manual one will work just as well? And there are some electrical appliances that you might not need to use as much as you think - whether it's a clothes dryer (line-dry) or coffee makers (French presses). Consider your electrical appliance uses and change things accordingly - your electric bill will plummet.
You might not need that giant fridge either. You'd be surprised about the amount of wasted energy that can result from a large refrigerator, especially if it is an older one. Old refrigerators are some of the biggest power hogs among all electrical appliances, and you'd be surprised with a little effort how you can minimize the amount you use a fridge to the point that your main fridge might only need to be a bar fridge - far more energy-efficient. Newer electrical appliances often focus on being more energy-efficient so simply buying a new refrigerator might actually be a great way to save a ton of money over the long-term - and reduce your carbon footprint immediately.
Perhaps the easiest way to save some money and reduce your electric bills is to put all of your entertainment-related electrical appliances on a power strip. Some electrical appliances such a televisions, DVD players and stereo systems suck out power even when not in use. When not at home, simply switch off the power strip and save a ton of money.
Saving the environment doesn't have to be expensive and costly. If you make some simple alterations to your usage of your electrical appliances, you can save a bunch of money, and help fight the war on global warming. Like I said - it's a win-win situation!
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