Easy Anti Cellulite Treatments

Oh, cellulite that bane of perfect flesh woman-wide. But what is cellulite? And, more importantly, how can we make it go away? In this article, I will examine some of the leading products in the anti cellulite treatment market, with real scientific testing on how they work if they work at all. Lets get to the lab.

First off, lets know the enemy. Cellulite is a common condition that occurs in the majority of women as they age past puberty. The adipose fat deposits in their legs, stomach and pelvis becomes dimpled and uneven, replacing the youthful smoothness with a less attractive appearance. Although cellulite has no real health hazards, it is still a matter of concern for most women concerned about their appearance, and medical and cosmetic science has been searching for a truly effective anti cellulite treatment ever since the condition first became known in the 1920s.

A few years ago, a study demonstrated that caffeine could be used as an effective anti cellulite treatment. Now, before you run off to Starbucks, I need to tell you that oral administration of the stuff is not the way to go. Instead, a number of retail products have been released that claim to be able to cut the stuff out. The theory is that caffeine boosts fat metabolism, reducing the size of the adipose deposits and smoothing the connective tissue that is believed to cause the dimpling. Caffeine has been proven to act as a vasoconstrictor, tightening blood vessels and creating a generally more toned appearance, but its effectiveness of fat cells is, as of this writing, just a theory.

A number of other chemicals, both naturally occurring and not, are used as anti cellulite treatments. One common one is aminophylline, which is held to break down the walls of fat cells, allowing them to dissolve into the bloodstream. Unfortuately, aminophylline is quite sensitive to heat and goes bad rapidly, so it must be used immediately after purchasing. Another is retinol, which is used more commonly as a skin treatment but can thicken the dermis, reducing the appearance of fat deposits. The third, which is gaining rapidly in popularity, is alpha-hydroxy acids, which have the opposite effect they encourage the skin to shed dead cells. This doesnt do a thing to reduce cellulite, but assists the skin in looking younger and fresher.

In addition, there are physical therapeutic solutions that can be used to address the problem. One of the leading anti cellulite treatments is Lipomassage, a French technique that uses motorized rollers in a non-invasive technique that breaks up cellulite deposits in problem areas. Whether this is actually provable to have a measured effect on cellulite deposits is debatable, but theres no arguing that massage can have a tonic effect on general health. The procedure is somewhat expensive, requiring specialized electronic tools, so be forewarned.

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