Fiding the Best Pill for the Least in Birth Control

Fiding the Best Pill for the Least in Birth Control Side Effect Problems

The many blessings of birth control there are - no more teen pregnancies, the ability to decide how many children to have even if you are poor, so many more. It was 50 years ago that the FDA first approved the revolutionary "pill" and released it into the market. One of the first side effects anyone was aware of, in the pill, was unbridled marital happiness. As scientists saw it, it wasn't nuclear war or disease that threatened mankind. It was uncontrollable reproduction and the population explosion that was the result. But even if you don't count all these as really great effects attributable to the birth control pill, one thing is certain - women have been able to really plan their families, and time children in a way that would least affect their work careers. As a birth control side effect, this one's pretty great. But really, one is aware that this isn't what you really mean by "side effect". To women who look to hormone-based birth control pills as a way to achieve a degree of that promised freedom, health side effects are often terrible price they have to pay.

There is a new study in Germany, that finds out about exactly how high the price to pay is sometimes. According to the study, women who use the pill, place at a much higher risk of being affected by some form of sexual dysfunction than women who use other kinds of birth control method. To women who are on the pill, all kinds of birth control side effect seem possible - a lack of interest in sex, and the lack of adequate involvement among others. It appears that the more invasive a birth control method is, the worse its effects. For instance, women who use methods that involve injections or skin patches, have the worst effects. They believe that these formulas are able to somehow lower the amount of testosterone that women have in their system.

That isn't the only alarming birth control side effect warning that they've come up with lately. Scientists now believe that if your birth control pills contain estrogen and progestogen, these hormones are known to induce deep vein thrombosis. That means that you could be minding your own business and chemicals in the pills could suddenly bring out blood clots in your veins, and cause a stroke or heart attack. Of course this is alarming to read; but they don't find that this happens often - it happens in one woman among every 10,000.

If you want to do away with any scary birth control side effect like this, they recommend choosing the latest contraceptives as your best bet - what they call the second generation pill (or better) with names like levonorgestrel or norgestrel. If however you take a pill that is newer than the second generation - say, a fourth-generation pill, that is of no use to those worried about a birth control side effect. Now how is anyone supposed to tell what generation of birth control a package contains? You'll have to find this out by working with your doctor. There is no way to just look at the pack and find out. If you have a family history where your parents perhaps take blood thinners to keep clots at bay, you could consider yourself at risk, and then try other kinds of birth control method.

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