Handmade Wedding Shower Invitations

Anybody whos ever tried planning a wedding shower knows how expensive an affair a shower can be. From wedding shower invitations to catering to dcor, a maid of honor can wind up spending far more than she can afford in order to make the shower a truly special day. Formal invitations alone can cost literally thousand of dollars. And nobody wants to use store-bought invitations those are too casual and have the feel of childrens birthday party invitations. Yet there is an affordable and very elegant solution. Consider making your own handmade wedding shower invitations.

Dont pay an artist to make expensive handmade wedding shower invitations. This is something you can do yourself, at home. Crafting the cards yourself will give them a personal flair you cant match with professional invites. Also, you will be creating mementos of the special day which your guests can keep and enjoy for years to come.

If you are a really crafty type, make the wedding shower invitations from scratch. Making paper at home is really quite easy and fun. You can get the whole family involved. Also, its a wonderful way to recycle used paper. All you will need is scrap paper, water, a blender and some kind of screen like a window screen. Instructions are easy to find online. The result looks unique and inventive. Each guests invitation will be slightly different from all the others. You cant get much more personalized than that.

If you havent the time or artistic sensibility to make your own paper, fear not. Lovely and distinctive wedding shower invitations can be created from everyday household craft items. If you have cardstock, colored pencils or markers, scissors and glue, then youre ready to assemble some invites. Let your imagination run wild. Be as creative as you like. Your wedding shower invitations might be simple folding cards, or they might have die-cut flowers with folding petals. Maybe your cards will be shaped like a bridal gown. You could glue pressed flowers on the invitations for a supremely graceful touch. If you dont have time to press the flowers yourself, you can purchase some at your local craft store.

For those less artsy folks out there, you may feel like hand-crafted wedding shower invitations are simply beyond your inventive capabilities. But dont worry; there is a solution for you as well. Many desktop publishing programs allow you to construct greeting cards and invitations on the computer. You can upload photos of the bride and groom, or use clipart photos or illustrations which come with the software. With a nice color printer and some high-quality paper, your wedding shower invitations will look as sophisticated and refined as if you spent bundles to have them printed professionally.

So dont go overboard spending tons of money on formal invitations for your wedding shower. Go the homemade route, and your wedding shower invites will be distinctive, personal, and utterly memorable.

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