High Nutrition Seafood Diet

The high nutrition seafood diet is not what it once was touted to be by so many experts. With all of the mercury in the ocean and in light of recent oil spills and environmental disasters, people are starting to question the value of high nutrition seafood in their diets. Although there are definitely some seafood that you need to watch out for, the value of eating seafood and other nutritious food still exists and just because some of it can be bad for you is no excuse to swing all the way to the fast food side, where just about everything you eat will negatively impact your health.

Why eat French fries, hamburgers, and fried chicken sandwiches which can add up to thousands of useless calories when you can fill up on grilled fish or barbecued shrimp and stay a lot lighter and healthier in the long run? The amount of mercury in different fish varies, but the amount of saturated, artery clogging fat and cholesterol in most fast food does not vary and will inevitably lead you to great health risks. A high nutrition seafood diet can combat those spare tires you carry around your waist and give you more energy and mental acuity. You just need to know which fish are good for you and which to avoid.

Salmon is high in Omega 3 fatty acids which science has proven can help to reduce arterial clogging and your subsequent chances of a heart attack. Most salmon are young fish and the younger the fish, the less likely that they will have an abundance of mercury in their system. Unfortunately, most ocean fish have varying levels of mercury in them, it is just a fact of life. The older the fish, like tuna and swordfish, the higher the levels of mercury in their systems. There really should be some sort of FDA warning on packaged fish or in fish markets that will tell us the mercury and toxin levels of the fish we are buying. That would save a lot of trouble.

Shellfish such as lobster, crab, and shrimp can also have high mercury levels and these are some of the more traditionally high nutrition seafood choices that we have always been told are good for us. There are different studies available online that can help you to tell what areas have the most toxins and mercury and you can try to avoid fish and shellfish from those areas. Most of the time however there is just no way for the average consumer to tell what he is purchasing or ingesting.

The best advice is to eat high nutrition seafood only once a week, and try to stick to salmon or younger fish. Ingesting too much mercury can cause very severe health problems and you need to be very careful these days.

High nutrition seafood can help you get thinner but you should not have to risk your overall health in order to fit into your clothes.

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