How to ensure good typing posture and avoid a host

How to ensure good typing posture and avoid a host of health problems and pain

If you do a lot of typing every day, your typing posture is far more important than you may suppose.

An ergonomic chair is really a must-have for the typist. These specially designed chair help ensure a good typing posture, taking the stress off your back and legs. People who sit in a regular desk chair often develop lower back pain and even circulatory problems due to poor circulation in the legs, especially in the area behind and just above the knees. This results in swollen feet and edema in the calves, much as you might experience after a long trip by jet. However, we don't take daily flights of long duration, so you can imagine the cumulative effects of a daily strain on your spine and legs.

Ergonomic chairs are fairly expensive, but will pay you back in better health and more energy at the end of the day. Some employers, aware of the health problems that can ensue for workers spending eight hours a day typing, are willing to spring for the cost, because they know that your productivity will be better and they won't be saddled with the cost of sick days, due to your aching back. It doesn't hurt to ask.

If your employer is unwilling to buy one, ask if they will order one for you that you can pay for at their cost, which is usually substantially less than retail. If that's not an option and you can't afford to buy an ergonomically designed chair just now, here are some tips to good typing posture when using a regular desk chair.

A well-padded chair with armrests is best. Use a plump, decorative pillow, placed at the back of the seat, to provide lower back support. Sit straight, with shoulders back when typing. Use a short, slanted foot rest on which you can rest your feet. This improves circulation in your legs and helps avoid those swollen feet.

In addition to good typing posture, a wrist rest for your keyboard can help you avoid the painful condition of carpal tunnel syndrome. People who type for a living often develop this painful condition after many years of typing. Carpel tunnel is the result of poor typing posture of the hands, which produces stress on the wrists and tendons used, along with nerve damage. Although people in many professions, such as butchers, or anyone doing work which requires repetitive wrist movements, carpal tunnel is most prevalent in typists.

So, practice good typing posture for your wrists as well. If your keyboard does not have a wrist rest, you can purchase, inexpensively, a padded, foam platform for your keyboard with a curved piece of foam extending from the front which provides the proper support for your wrists.

Taking these steps to ensure your best possible typing posture results in more energy and less pain at the end of the day, as well as warding off painful health conditions.

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