Insomnia anxiety and rising above the din of self-doubt

Recently I signed up to take the Law School Admission Test, or LSAT. The LSAT is not a test of your accumulated knowledge, but a test of how your brain works. Can you make logical deductions? Can you unravel word problems, and keep your wits about you under the strain of a timed test?

It was intimidating, and as a result I suffered from insomnia anxiety. I spent the week before the test taking practice tests, acing most of them, and should have been relaxed and confident. Instead I was unsure and filled with self-doubt, unable to sleep regularly or concentrate when I most needed to. I was so anxious that I completely psyched myself out and, on test day, bombed miserably.

Insomnia anxiety is to blame. My inability to still my mind and complete the task at hand was all because of insomnia anxiety. When attempting a difficult task, you need to be rested and clear-headed. Instead I was as exhausted as I'd ever been, having gone more than a week without ever sleeping more than two hours a night. I was unable to concentrate because of that, and as the test went on my anxiety kept building and building til I couldn't even hold a thought in my head. Instead, all I could think of were the repercussions of my failure to score well on the test.

Obviously I was suceptible to the pressures of the situation. We all are, to one degree or another, and it's important to recognize that in order to rise above what are essentially self-inflicted wounds.

Insomnia anxiety and depression go hand-in-hand, and operate as a sort of vicious cycle. The more anxious you are, the less likely it is that you'll be able to fall asleep. The less sleep you get, the less rested you'll be in the morning and the less likely you are to perform well at work, in school, or just at life in general. That causes two kinds of anxiety - the anxiety of potential failure, as well as the bio-chemical anxiety of simply not having gotten enough sleep.

Both of these can then be the cause of depression. The general loginess caused by sleeplessness can morph into depression in-and-of itself; combine it with anxiety and self-doubt, and the process with progress much faster.

So it's important to recognize the early signs of insomni anxiety, discuss them with your doctor and treat them as necessary. It could be as simple as changing your diet or exercise routine, or in some cases can be solved by medication. Either way, it's not something to ignore.

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