Irish Vacations

Whats to say about Irish vacations? Tons, people!!! Absolutely tons!!!!
Let's look at this from a different point of view - why go there at all? The main reason that so many Americans have Irish vacations is that so many have some form of roots, a history if you will with the country. It's no secret that too many of U.S. citizens forefathers left their home countries to get away from bigotry and lack of opportunity, with Ireland been one of the very few that wasn't quite that way. Not many people realise that initial Irish immigrants were more often than not sent to the New Lands (as the English called it) simply as a means of removing them from the fertile land they occupied in Ireland, allowing the owners to convert the people sustaining area's to cash crop producing area's, which at the time coined the phrase "to Hell or to Connaught", Hell been the English view of an undeveloped country, and Connaught being the most westerly of Irelands provinces (not the Indian one, in India - odd how two totally different cultures came up with the same spelling for an area to the west in the country, though - India and Ireland I mean) which made it closest to the States. As that is the case, the country when your there speaks for itself.

Being able to see the patchwork quilt of small fields as your plane descends into Shannon or Dublin airports will remain with you forever, as even on cloudy days the color in the fields contrast beautifully. Going into a bar, or 'pub' as they're known in Ireland (another abbreviation derived from British rule, from 'public house' where English overlords did allow they're Irish subjects to meet in groups of more than three) that you know has been in the same spot, and open, for longer than your country has being in existence. Looking at the sheer scope of some of the Neolithic monuments that were built here in ancient times by Celtic druids that still cannot be re-created with todays' knowledge, to the same level of accuracy.

I've mentioned only a couple of reasons to go there in this little piece, but there really are so many - Dublin is now one of Europes largest polyglot urban areas; the economy is second only to Canadas' with its ability to ride out this economic strife we're having; drug related crime and all it entails is at an all time low there; air fares are cheaper than 2 years ago; I could go on and on - best way is to see for yourself why Irish vacations are soo worthwhile -and I didnt even mention the number of golf courses!! (Well, only once)

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