Love travel? Here are some traveling careers you can develop

Love travel? Here are some traveling careers you can develop as a personal business that pays for your trips!

Most of us who love to travel, work a regular job at home, saving month by month for your next paid vacation, when you can take off and explore yet another part of the world you haven't yet seen, or return to a favorite destination. It may never have occurred to you that there are traveling careers which you can create as a personal business, that has you traveling year 'round, as a paid employee of your own company. For the dyed-in-the-wool traveler, it doesn't get any better than that. Here we give you several ideas for doing just that.

Be prepared to do some research and heavy reading in the course of developing your traveling career. The up side, of course, is that this is all fun for you. You can complete all of your learning in your spare time, without ever entering a classroom!

Even if you're a seasoned traveler, there are always new travel destinations to explore. On the other hand, you may have fallen in love with a particular region or country in your travels. In either case, a good starting point for developing and nurturing exciting traveling careers is research, in a top-down approach.

For example, let's say you've traveled extensively in Europe. Perhaps you're familiar with all, or most, of the large European cities and have seen most of the major sights. You've probably got a solid sense of the cultures and customs, but do you have a thorough knowledge of these country's history? Are you fluent in the language of one or two? The answer for most of us, is no. Most successful traveling careers require above average knowledge of both. Knowing the history and language gives you a definite edge as you develop your business.

If your business objective and main interest lies in a traveling career in France, get a comprehensive history of France and start reading. A good overview may be found online on web sites dedicated to French history and art. When you can discuss points of history with native citizens, this opens many doors to you. Your initial research should include participation in French history forums, which are also peppered with a variety of philosophical takes in France, history and philosophical interpretations go hand in hand.

Buy a French language software package. Most language software comes with audio features which allow you to hear words and phrases as pronounced by native speakers of the language. Later on, if you can afford it, take one of the so-called immersion courses, which are usually of about two weeks duration, where not a word of English is spoken. Backed by your prior language software instruction, you'll readily pick up on any nuances and idioms you may have missed.

Notice that all of these activities can be performed concurrently, as well as several others, moving you ever closer to your goal. Scheduling time for your various activities keeps things interesting, ensures that you follow through your own curriculum and, in the end, gives you a broad and well-rounded cultural immersion few others obtain.

Some of the other activities you'll want to partake of as you cultivate your budding traveling career include exploring some of the many travel blogs dealing exclusively with France. Here, you'll pick up obscure information, such as the little hidden gems of bistros and restaurants, which are virtually unknown to the average tourist. When you find a few really substantive travel blogs, visit them every day to keep abreast of the latest scoop and follow every promising link to broaden your knowledge. Subscribe to their newsletters.

At this point, you may want to start your own travel blog on France. You'll doubtless have picked up some original ideas whereby you can incorporate new elements, enhancing your French blog with features you haven't seen on others. You'll soon be able to establish yourself as an expert, as well as generating an income. Remember that you can update your blog from anywhere in the world.

With the right self-education, you can make ready to move to your new country. Before you do, get all your ducks in a row by looking over the ex-pat sites for the details on logistics, such as documentation and paper work, funds required to enter and stay, etcetera. Participate in the forums, where you'll turn up nit-picky, but important details in making your move.

Finally, here's a brief list of traveling careers which are now open to you, as suits your taste and skill sets: you can be a travel tour guide, teach English (with TEFL accreditation), or start any number of websites.

Some ideas for websites? You can offer translation services, write travel pieces, with accompanying photos, specialize in finding student travel deals, or start your own ex-pat site. You can also have your own import-export business, one of many lucrative traveling careers.

Here, we've used France as our example, but you can apply this example's method to any country you choose. You can take your time in moving towards traveling careers. The pace is up to you. At the end of your studies, you'll have a dream career.

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