Making Money with a Multi Level Marketing Affiliate Program

I've been looking into ways to create and maintain a passive income stream from online sources. I've already got Google AdSense splashed across all the websites I operate, but I'm still a long way from cashing commission checks on a regular basis. While I work to build up traffic on those sites, I'm also considering joining a multi level marketing affiliate program or two to see if they're worth my time and effort.

You're probably thinking that only suckers would get involved in a multi level marketing affiliate program, but that's not the case at all. Sure, the mere mention of companies like Herballife, Amway, and Rexall might make most people cringe, but the game has changed quite a bit in the past decade or so. Thanks to the Internet, there are lots of different products to sell through a multi level marketing affiliate program -- and most of them do not come saddled with a sketchy reputation.

In fact, I think that making money with a multi level marketing affiliate program is far easier these days than it ever was. You no longer have to go door-to-door with a fake smile plastered on your face all day long, nor do you have to make hundreds of cold calls per day. Instead, you can just set up a website (little more than a landing page, really), create a sales letter, promote the site, and watch your sales and number of affiliates grow. There's no need for face-to-face contact or personal interaction, no need to be a slick talker or act like a used car salesman. Anyone can make money with an online multi level marketing affiliate program nowadays, which is why I'm eager to get started.

Before I decide which of the many available programs I want to join, I have to go through and compare the commission rates. Many people think the product is the most important component in a multi level marketing affiliate program, but I disagree. Yes, it's helpful to have a quality product that practically sells itself, but frankly, I'm more concerned about how much I'm going to get paid for my efforts. I want a competitive commission on direct sales, and I also want a good rate for whatever my downline sells. After all, the serious money in any multi level marketing affiliate program comes from earning a commission off the people in your downline rather than initial sales.

There are lots of multi level marketing affiliate program experts and gurus out there who are perfectly willing to share their success secrets with the world at large, so I'm going to read all about the current strategies these folks are using before jumping in myself. I know things aren't going to be quite as simplistic as I've made it sound here, but at the same time, there's no rocket science involved!

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