Should You Try A 1500 Calorie Diet?

Weight loss is a hot button topic in our looks-obsessed society, and even though the exaggeratedly waifish look seems to be receding in popularity, men and women are still looking to shed pounds by any means necessary. One current trend that is gaining some traction is the low-calorie method, where people eat according to a 1500 calorie diet roughly three-quarters of what an average human should consume. In this article, I will examine these diets and evaluate their effectiveness and safety for prospective dieters before they do something that they would later regret.

Proponents of the 1500 calorie diet claim that the average person can lose five pounds a month on it, which is a reasonable amount of weight to lose without any severe health complications. The essential methodology, much like any other diet, involves tricking your bodys metabolism into consuming stores of adipose fat to maintain enough energy for your daily activities. The fewer calories you consume, the more your body needs to turn to its stored reserves (an evolutionary throwback to the times when food was not readily available) to survive. The math is simple, but the practice is more complicated.

Calorie-reduction diets have been common for nearly a century (and, indeed, a 1200 calorie version is now making the rounds alongside the 1500 calorie diet), but with the rise of vitamins and supplements, they are less risky than before. As long as you stick to certain nutritional guidelines, a 1500 calorie diet can be undertaken in relative safety. Of course, if you have any medical condition that affects your metabolism, blood sugar level, or digestive system, you should consult with your doctor before making any major changes to your eating habits.

The major advantage to a 1500 calorie diet is that it does not require any special products, supplements or exercises all you have to do is monitor your calorie consumption and ensure that it lands below your daily threshold. Unfortunately, it can often be quite difficult to do so, especially if you are not already used to calorie counting. In addition, reducing your bodys caloric intake can also have the opposite effect on your metabolism that you desire sending your body into starvation mode, reducing your available energy and essentially putting you into a sort of hibernation. The best way to avoid this happening is to make sure to get plenty of appropriate exercise during your diet. Dont try to build muscle, but keep your aerobic and cardio regimens going.

I hope this introduction to 1500 calorie diets has proved useful. Best of luck in all your weight loss endeavors.

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